Saturday, December 26, 2009

I love the new Black Eyed Peas music video for their song 'Meet Me Halfway'. Totally steampunk meets forest goddess aka awesome.

Immortal Jellyfish - No, I am not bull-shitting you!

I was on Crystal aka rustykeloid's deviantart looking at her new art... and someone commented on her Jelly Fish pic saying that a Jelly Fish was found that is biologically immortal. I had an immediate - holy shit - moment, and of course had to wiki it.

What I learned:

Jelly fish start out as little polyps, then they hatch and reach sexual maturity within weeks, and after laying eggs, they die. The Turritopsis nutricula, is different because when it reaches sexual maturity and lays its eggs, it starts to revert back to the polyp stage. It goes from baby to adult, then adult to baby, and repeats the process indefinitely, or until it's nervous system is removed.

According to wiki:

The umbrella turns inside out; middle section and tentacles are reabsorbed before the polyp spawns. Stolons form two days before the polyps differentiate.
[3] The ability to reverse the life cycle is probably unique in the animal kingdom, and allows the jellyfish to bypass death, rendering the Turritopsis nutricula biologically immortal. Laboratory tests showed that 100% of specimens reverted to the polyp stage.

So it's true. This creature has discovered its own little fountain of youth. Now as fascinating as this is, I have to say that I don't think humans would be able to cope well with having to revert back to children/babies, and then go through puberty over and over... the emotional baggage would be pretty severe I think. But that's assuming we'd retain all of our memories from our childhoods and adulthoods. If we didn't retain our earlier lives, or regenerations, then it would be like reincarnation, only within the same body.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone! :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Yonaguni Underwater Pyramids

Japan's underwater pyramids are possibly over 10000 years old. Woah! The structures are called the Yonaguni Pyramids. Google it ;)

This makes me think of my post two posts ago about past civilizations having more smarts than we give them credit for. These pyramids
are a huge key in proving advanced civilizations existed far before accepted science will account for. Interesting...

Sometimes life feels incredibly overwhelming.

I won't go into the details why my life is so effed up (aha fml)...
Most of it is my own doing, which I could undo if I had the empowerment to do so. I mean, say I wanted to lose weight, well that's pretty simple right? Go for walks and don't eat any crap. There, done. The only thing is, when you're so depressed and disastisfied with things, it's hard to want to open up, go out there, and be happy. It's also hard to give up your sole comfort; one that is cheap to buy, yummy to eat, and emotionally satisfying at least for a while. Of course the consequences (grabs flab) suck, but it's all I've got at the moment. It's a vicious circle, really; you won't have anything until you give up those bad things, but you don't want to give up those bad things because you're giving up the only things you have. Once you do give up the bad things, and wait a while, it's like you're suddenly on the other side, and the only fear you have is that you will slip back. While you're suddenly on this path to happiness, good things start to enter your l ife - maybe more guys are interested in you, you can fit all sorts of lovely clothes, you start really wanting to improve your life - but, inevitably, something very BAD happens... something that makes all of the good things somehow meaningless in your life. Then you slip back, and then you're in hell once again.

I guess that's it. My outlook is obviously very bleak at the moment, which is fine. It's my problem to deal with. Writing about it just clears my head.

Man I need a scanner. I spilt diet pepsi on my last one... and it bit the bullet as it were. ]':
That's my explanation for a rather wordy post, instead of imagery.

So I was watching this documentary on technology and science in the time of the ancient civilizations of the world - a la mayan, egypt, greek, and messopotamian - where they proposed the idea that our so called "new" technology had in fact been discovered long ago (at least in theory) and that the information was simply lost over time and then rediscovered and employed in current times. An example of this was an elaborately decorated tunnel type thing made by ancients... It ran so deep that no light could be seen from inside; no torch could remain lit for want of something in the air I cannot recall; and finally, mirrors reflecting light did not work for much of a distance. So how did these artists decorate the walls without light? They propose early lightbulbs. You can read something about that here: linksy poo

I haven't seen enough to prove this theory of ancients having comparable technologies we consider newly discovered today, though my mind is broadened. I think that in general, our society feels above those before us... either because of our more open minds, revision of believes and laws, new devices... etc... Is that feeling of modern superiority really just a falacy? I don't know... but I never thought about it until today.

Anyway, enough rambling about the ways of the world and philosophy and whatnot.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Unbelievably awesome party last night. Man do these idea kids know how to party it up!
I also got my hair cut and now have side bangs.
School projects up the ying yang D:

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The program has provided us with very nifty Nikon d60 SLR cameras.

Here are my fave photos so far :)

Granville Island bridge at dusk

City Lights at night

A Crescent Moon at dusk

The first month

The idea program is really intense. Seriously, I have a million projects to work on. It's kind of good, because the projects are creative and challenging, but it's kinda bad because part of me would rather sit around watching reruns of csi miami than work on the mounting list of projects.

Everyone in the class is really talented. I mean it. You know how there's usually a kid that sits in the corner that kinda sucks a little bit more than you (and thus your confidence is renewed)? In the idea program, this kid doesn't exist. It's really inspiring though, because it pushes you to work harder and make your work better.

Another observation is that most of the chicks in the program are hot girls; thin, fashionable, and pretty. There's a lot of artists out there who are not thin or fashionable, and are so hideous they live under a rock sketching all day and night. There aren't any of these in my class... So of course what I'm getting to is do they pick attractiveness over talent? Or is it possibly mostly talent, but that attractiveness bit gives you extra edge to get in over someone who could use a makeover? Just curious.

I have to add though, that I am quite happy with the people in my class. I've never really been able to say that I feel like my class is my family, but in this program it really is beginning to feel that way. The teachers kept kind of warning us that we'd become really close... no wonder they call it a cohort!

So I'm about to get ready and head out to school to work on some projects before marketing class starts. Yay work!

Monday, August 17, 2009

blog envy

This blog is so blase. I feel like I really need to pimp it out when I look at all the others out there. Then my laziness dawns on me and I realize that that's just blog envy, and ignore it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Artist Trading Cards

I'm really into those nifty little artist trading cards (ACEO). They measure only 2.5 x 3.5 inches. Thought I'd share some of my recent creations [:

This one is called Fiery Mane. I wanted to paint a red-headed faerie. I think my favourite part of this one is the dress. I wanted to make something ethereal, and barely there. I used a white gel pen on that part to make it look like the dress was made of lace, or woven silk strands.

This card is a little darker than my usual work. She was a gift for a friend who loves gory things, horror & women. I tried a new pallet of colours - cold greys, beige, and crimson, and some light blue. I think the colours work well to show the kind of bleak atmosphere and sadness she endures.

Woo right alignment. *Ahem*
This card is my favourite of the three. She's called Spirit of the Wood, and is very much inspired by a novel I read as a child called The Forest Wife. I was thinking of the May Day celebration (which I believe, according to the novel, was about giving thanks to the venison they ate), and how this might be the goddess who they gave their thanks to.

Blog Post Numereaux 1

I have a million of these blog things flying about and wasting away in the land of the great interweb. Unlike the others, this one has a grand purpose! It's going to chronicle my life in the IDEA program at Cap. So in all likelyhood it should be around, updated, and fresh for a while.

What to expect on this blog? Awesome sketches, paintings, school work, bitchy rantings, maybe a haiku here or there, and other random fun that I just HAVE to share.

What, you'd like to know a few snippets about the author? Oh fine, I shall indulge your curiosities:

My name is Sasha, I'm turning twenty-three in a couple weeks, I live on the West Coast, and I like to draw. I'm a little bit of a lotta things; I'm nerdy in my love of fantasy related things, enthusiastic and and energetic about the mundane things in life, and a big fan of anything cheesy (as in food, not humour).

I think that's about it!