Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The first month

The idea program is really intense. Seriously, I have a million projects to work on. It's kind of good, because the projects are creative and challenging, but it's kinda bad because part of me would rather sit around watching reruns of csi miami than work on the mounting list of projects.

Everyone in the class is really talented. I mean it. You know how there's usually a kid that sits in the corner that kinda sucks a little bit more than you (and thus your confidence is renewed)? In the idea program, this kid doesn't exist. It's really inspiring though, because it pushes you to work harder and make your work better.

Another observation is that most of the chicks in the program are hot girls; thin, fashionable, and pretty. There's a lot of artists out there who are not thin or fashionable, and are so hideous they live under a rock sketching all day and night. There aren't any of these in my class... So of course what I'm getting to is do they pick attractiveness over talent? Or is it possibly mostly talent, but that attractiveness bit gives you extra edge to get in over someone who could use a makeover? Just curious.

I have to add though, that I am quite happy with the people in my class. I've never really been able to say that I feel like my class is my family, but in this program it really is beginning to feel that way. The teachers kept kind of warning us that we'd become really close... no wonder they call it a cohort!

So I'm about to get ready and head out to school to work on some projects before marketing class starts. Yay work!

1 comment:

  1. Well i've been very much in the same spot as you in regards to being in a class full of people that were/are more talented then myself.
    Best advice there? Learn as much as you can from them ( and by them i mean the best of the best )the course is a 3 year program right? your goal should be to come out of that course as one of the top students and while that seems crazy hard and unlikely you have to at least try.
    Only the top students in your class will get jobs after the course, anyone who's not the top percent probably won't get good work right away ( trust me i know from personal experience )

    About them looking good? that only works and helps if they get jobs selling work...otherwise it doesn't matter, i've worked with "hot" looking girls and most of them barely knew what they were doing.
    It's about 3 key things really to be succesful and that's 1. talent 2. skill 3. personality

    Lastly take advantage of being in such a space with those talented people! i can't believe some people just do the school work and go home and don't ever bother to do anything else while in the course.
    Think're in a room full of really talented people who you will get close to thanks to working together long days ( this is the best kind of bond to have )so get together on some off time or after school and do some projects! make some fake flyers or try building a website together as a have the best chance right now to be able to do some amazing group work that will not only help you learn but also make new friends/work contacts and have something to put in a portfolio.

    anyway sorry i know a lot of this is a rant but i hope you take some of what i wrote and think about it!

    cheers from DA ( kubankin )
